Quality Assurance & Accreditation

Transvaal Galvanisers has excellent quality control procedures in place that ensure not only the quality of the final product, but the quality of the entire galvanising process from start to finish.

From the moment that steel enters our stockyard, every single step of our process is documented. This allows us to very easily trace material through our entire production line, with critical information being safely stored for quality control procedures. We conduct regular internal audits to ensure the continued compliance of every single department in our production line.

External audits by independent Auditors take place several times a year to ensure our ongoing compliance with regards to the latest ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Procedures, as well as SANS 121:2011 and ISO 1461:2009 specifications.

We also go to great lengths to ensure that our procedures and production complies with various Local and International quality certification bodies so that you know that when you deal with us, you're assured of only the highest quality outputs.